The 1st day of school has arrived. It is always a mix of emotions for me. By this time of the summer my household needs a little “structure” but I am sad our summer fun has come to an end. Back in May when I was trying to figure out child care and balance that with my work schedule summer seemed so long. Now that it is the first official day of school summer seems to have flown by.
As a Mom I am perpetually left with mixed emotions. Glad the kids are excited about school and sad they are not hanging out with me today. Anxious to get back to routine but sad the kids and I can’t just go to the pool after lunch. That is one of the hardest parts about being a Mom that wave of mixed emotions that sometimes hangs over head.
Today, I will anxiously try to concentrate at work while hoping the kids are having fun and meeting some new friends. I will run to the bus stop to hear how the day went and be really glad to get a hug and a snuggle when they get home. Seven hours seems like such a long time when I dropped them off but just like summer it will fly by or at least I am really hoping it will.